The Defense Attorney to Call in Illinois
DUI Lawyer Illinois
DUI Lawyer Illinois. Illinois law is very strict when it comes to driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or other impairing substances, ranking 19th among U.S. states in overall “DUI strictness” in a recent study and fourth in “DUI prevention.” If you are arrested for DUI in Illinois, the prosecution, with this stringent foundation in place, will do whatever it takes to get a conviction. Call a DUI lawyer at Drummond Law immediately at 800-842-0426 or contact us online for a free and confidential consultation. You want someone on your side, every step of the way.
Under Illinois law, specifically 625 ILCS 5/11-501, several factors lead to law enforcement pulling you over, having reason to believe:
- You had a blood alcohol content (BAC) of 0.08 or higher.
- You were under the influence of drugs or alcohol to the extent that made it impossible for you to drive your vehicle safely.
- You were under the influence of drugs.
- You had an illegal amount of THC — the psychoactive element of cannabis — in your blood or urine within two hours of driving.
If you have been arrested for DUI, call our Illinois DUI lawyer as soon as possible at 800-842-0426 or contact us online for a no-risk case review.
Some common questions our Drummond Law Illinois DUI lawyer team receives:
- Q: Will I go to jail for my first DUI in Illinois?
- Q: How long does a DUI stay on my record?
- Q: Is DUI a felony in Illinois?
- Driving a school bus under the influence.
- DUI resulting in serious bodily harm.
- DUI with a suspended or revoked license.
- Driving under the influence without auto insurance.
- Q: How long does a DUI affect my insurance in Illinois?
- Q: Can a DUI be dismissed in Illinois?
- Q: How much is bond for a DUI in Illinois?
A: The first DUI offense in Illinois is a Class A misdemeanor that carries jail time of up to a year and a fine ranging from $500 to $2,500. It is extremely rare for a first-time offender to be sentenced to jail time. In fact, with our DUI lawyer handling your case, there’s a possibility of a reduced charge and/or court supervision.
A: Any alcohol or drug criminal offense, including a DUI, will remain on a person’s record forever. If you’re convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, your driving privileges will be revoked for a minimum of one year for a first-time DUI criminal offense.
The key word here is convicted. Call our Illinois DUI lawyer today at 800-842-0426 or contact us.
A: A DUI may be classified as a Class 4 felony only if certain aggravating circumstances are present:
A: A DUI in Illinois typically affects auto insurance for at least 3 years, depending on the insurance company. On average, a DUI raises insurance rates by an astronomical 91 percent. Depending upon your case, you may have to file an SR-22 with your insurance company.
A: If any of the BAC evidence can be shown as invalid or compromised or other mistakes were made during your arrest, your DUI charge can be dismissed. In the great majority of these types of cases, you’ll need a DUI lawyer in your corner. Once convicted of DUI though, the only way it can be expunged from your record is through a pardon from the governor.
A: For a DUI, the bond amount is either $100 plus an Illinois driver’s license or $300 cash.
Illinois DUI Resources
- Illinois DUI Statistics — Historical data with regard to alcohol-related accidents and fatalities in Illinois.
- Illinois DUI Fact Book — Detailed information on Illinois DUI laws and penalties, along with statistics and educational information on drunk driving.
- Road to Reinstatement — Pamphlet charting the path necessary for license reinstatement after a DUI.
- Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device (BAIID) — Summary of the Illinois BAIID program for DUI offenders, including fees and providers.
- Monitoring Device Driving Permit — Information about how to obtain a monitoring device driving permit in Illinois, required for BAIID use.
- Restricted Driving Permit — Information on how to obtain a restricted driving permit in Illinois, required for repeat DUI offenders.
DUI Lawyer Illinois: Penalties for DUI
Everyone seems to know that driving while under the influence is illegal. Unfortunately, many do not think about the consequences until they face a DUI charge. Most, if not all, of our clients have the same crucial question when they call our DUI lawyer after an arrest — What happens to me? We understand the desperation, the wonder. But there’s no need to worry.
If you are charged with DUI in Illinois or elsewhere in the Midwest, you need an experienced, knowledgeable, and established DUI lawyer. Call Drummond Law at 800-842-0426 or contact us online.
Each case is different but, generally, on your first DUI offense you will be released on bond and will be given a court date in which to appear with your Drummond Law Illinois DUI lawyer. At the same time, you will be given notice that your license will be suspended. If you failed a breathalyzer test, the suspension period will last 6 months. If you refused the breathalyzer test, there’s a mandatory minimum suspension of one year. Our DUI lawyer can get your license reinstated by submitting a Monitoring Device Driving Permit to the Secretary of State.
Penalties vary wildly depending on the circumstances of the offense, but under Illinois statute they are:
- Any person convicted of DUI faces up to one year in prison is subject to pay a fine of up to $2,500.
- For a second conviction within five years of the previous violation, the offender must serve a mandatory minimum of 5 days in prison or 240 hours of community service.
- In the case of a third or fourth violation within five years, the offender has committed the offense of aggravated driving and is guilty of a Class 2 felony, punishable by between 3 and 7 years imprisonment and up to $25,000 in fines. Penalties are harsher for a BAC of 0.16 or higher.
- A fifth violation is a Class 1 felony, punishable by between 4 and 15 years imprisonment and up to $25,000 in fines. Penalties are increased for a BAC of 0.16 or higher.
- A sixth violation is a Class X felony, punishable by between 6 and 30 years and up to $25,000 in fines. Penalties are increased for a BAC of 0.16 or higher.
Additional Penalties for DUI with a BAC of 0.16 or More
- Any person convicted of a first DUI with a BAC of 0.16 or higher is subject to an additional mandatory minimum fine of $500 and a mandatory minimum of 100 hours of community service.
- Any person convicted of a second DUI within 10 years of a previous violation with a BAC of 0.16 or more is subject to an additional mandatory minimum prison term of two days and an additional mandatory minimum fine of $1,250.
- Any person convicted of a third DUI within 20 years of a previous violation with a BAC of 0.16 or more is subject to an additional mandatory minimum 90 days in prison and an additional mandatory minimum fine of $2,500.
A person who is convicted of DUI while transporting a child under 16 is subject to an additional mandatory minimum fine of $1,000, and additional mandatory minimum 140 hours of community service, which must include 40 hours of service benefitting children, and an additional two days in prison.
DUI Lawyer Illinois: DUI Penalties for Minors
Under Illinois’ Zero Tolerance Law, any driver under the age of 21 who is found to have any trace of alcohol in their system will lose driving privileges for a minimum of two years.
DUI Lawyer Illinois | Drummond Law
Our firm takes a customized approach to every DUI case. Our DUI lawyer meets with you one-on-one to establish a personalized plan of action, going over each and every element to prepare an effective defense. You will find our process exceptionally thorough and compelling, with the most important factor at the helm: you and your family. We will help you get the best possible results.
Call us today at 800-842-0426 or contact us online for a free review of your case and discussion with our Illinois DUI lawyer.