Social Security Disability
Sleep Disorders can often be a factor in a disability claim although alone, they do not usually allow a person to have a successful Social Security Disability (SSD) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI) claim. There are usually 3 different causes for sleep problems as follows:
Sleep apnea is when a person may stop breathing when they are asleep and often must use a C-PAP machine. At times, some individuals may have all three of the above conditions but that alone is not necessarily disabling. However, if it can be shown that the lack of sleep affects functioning to a significant degree during the day it would be a big factor in determining whether a claimant is capable of sustained employment.
Sleep Disorders do not normally include narcolepsy, which is usually a genetic neurological disorder where people spontaneously fall asleep or lose consciousness. Narcolepsy cases almost always present themselves as very good disability claims but are not directly related to sleep disorders.
At Drummond Disability, we have years of experience in evaluating sleep disorders in their contribution to the other disabling conditions of our clients. If you would like to have help with your disability claim, please call Drummond Disability NOW at 800-842-0426.